NATS Advisories


Security advisories for the project

We have an advisory policy

To report a vulnerability, please send email to

View the Project on GitHub nats-io/advisories

NATS Project Security Advisory Policy

Broadly speaking, the NATS Project aims to make it easy for administrators to keep track of any known security issues, using appropriate ecosystem identifiers (such as CVE numbers) and posting both here and to appropriate fora when there are public statements to be made.

If we know, before a fix is committed to public git, that a fix is for a security-impacting issue, then at our discretion we will usually hold the fix until the release is available, so that fixed code is available in compiled forms as soon as possible.


The primary development language of the core parts of NATS is Go, a type-safe compiled language with protections against buffer overflows and many other sources of security issues. The nats-server is written in Go and uses Go stdlib for SSL/TLS.

Client libraries are available for a broad variety of languages, with differing security properties.

NATS with untrusted users

Running a NATS service which is exposed to untrusted users presents a heightened risk.

Any remote execution flaw or equivalent seriousness, or denial-of-service by unauthenticated users, will lead to prompt releases by the NATS maintainers.

Fixes for denial of service issues with no threat of remote execution, when limited to those signed into an account, are likely to just be committed to the main development branch with no special attention. Note that a server configuration which permits anonymous users is still using an account: the authentication is a no-op but happens.

Those who are running services which allow untrusted users are encouraged to build regularly from git.

None of this restriction applies to any failure mode beyond denial of service. Issues which break account isolation boundaries for data access will most definitely trigger our CVE process.